How to Deal with Knitting Hand Pain

How to Deal with Knitting Hand Pain

Colorful scarfs and blankets are beautiful, but the accompanying aches from knitting them aren’t as pretty. If your projects leave your hands feeling sore, check out these tips on relieving that tension, knitting should be painless and fun, after all!

Some people feel soreness while actually knitting, while others don’t feel the pain until a bit later, often the next day. We’ve collected some advice and tools for easing these aches, so you can knit more comfortably and save your hands from that stress.

Hand Stretches and Hand Massages

An easy way to help relieve tension is doing regular hand stretches and hand massage for each of your hands. Click here to see five helpful hand stretches from Knit Freedom, and you’ll have a few easy stretches to do any time of the day. These exercises will feel great on your hands, fingers, and arms!

Take Regular Breaks

It’s easy to get into a knitting groove, but long knitting sessions could also overwork your hands, leaving them stressed and sore. When you start to feel aches or tingliness, stop and take a break, or recognize when your hands usually start to hurt. If you typically start feeling pain after 45 minutes, then plan breaks every 30 minutes or so before the aches even begin.

Check Your Stance and Posture

The pain you’re feeling could be related to the way you’re sitting or holding your needles, is your grip especially tight? Are you sitting up straight? Are you working somewhere chilly? (Warmth is better for avoiding muscle tension.) Some of the knitters at AllFreeKnitting offer great suggestions, like changing the way you’re holding yarn or putting a pillow on your lap for support. Make little changes in the way you’re sitting or holding your supplies, and see if it makes a difference for the better.

Consider Using Circular or Fat Needles

This idea comes from, and it makes sense, heavier projects weigh down your wrists, which can cause a lot of strain. Circular or fat needles, though not ideal for all projects, are easier to hold and better distribute the weight so that your hands aren’t as stressed.

Try Special Gloves or Wrist Braces

As Lion Brand Yarns suggests, wrist braces or special stress-relieving fingerless gloves can help with aches as you’re knitting. Click here to check out a pair, which is lightweight and helps keep your hands warm while you knit.

With these tips in mind, you can help ease those aches and knit comfortably. You don’t want to let pain go unchecked, as it could lead to more serious problems in the future. Take precautions, take breaks, and take suggestions for pain relief to make sure knitting stays a fun, stress-free activity!